The first photo is the left hand side of the steering wheel. You'll notice a tiny chip or scratch in the surface finish. Naturally, I didn't want to live with that imperfection, so I decided to fix it.
The second photo shows the product I used. This is a transparent water-based acrylic paint that you can find online or at most art supply stores. There are several brands, but I've used this one in my wildlife paintings to create shadows. It works great because it's transparent and doesn't cover the detail below it.
Look at the third photo and check out how it worked for this application. It appears that Number 12 Medium Gray is a perfect Mustang match.
That's it. The scratch is gone and life is good once again.
It's been 20 days since my last update, and I have some new information. I may have mentioned before that I was experiencing a bit of, for lack of a better term, "stammering" when I punched the accelerator. It was hardly noticeable to anyone but the driver. But it was there. And it bugged me.
After two months of living with it, I think I may have solved the problem. I believe it was the gasoline I was using. Since taking delivery on the car, I've been filling up with Shell gas. And beginning with the first fill up after I used the dealer-supplied full tank, I've been noticing this little "stuttering or stammering" when punching it.
The last time my fuel light came on, I pulled into my local Phillips 66. After filling the tank and driving away, the difference was immediately noticeable. The car seemed to have more power and a more sure-footed takeoff. I know what you're thinking, but the Shell and the Phillips were both 91 octane. I continued to the highway and punched it hard on the entry ramp. Perfect response from the 412 horses. Not a single horsie tripped or faltered. It was like the difference between night and day.
And if you're a betting man (or woman) betting that I'm going to be using Phillips 66 gasoline from now on is a sure win. If you're having any similar issues, give the Phillips 66 brand a try and see if it makes a difference.
END OF DAY 78 - 1,508 miles - 16.8 avg mpg